- finally living in a house that doesn't become unbearable after two nights of no heat and lows of 25 degrees
- my oven that heats my living room when the heater doesn't work
- my husband, who broke the heater trying to install a timer to keep me warm in the early mornings
- my Wii Fit, which keeps me accountable and has the newly discovered feature of timing my running in place while I watch the news during my early mornings
- my dogs, who lick my toes while I attempt plank position on my Wii Fit
- my family, who decided it was too much trouble trying to get together for the holidays, leaving me with three days of pajama-ed football and Wii
- Sephora, who has just sent me a $15 off coupon, just as my crappy face wash is running out
- all the lovely animals that gave up their lives for this weekend, including crabs, pigs, chickens, turkeys, cows, and maybe a deer (I think I may throw some leftover sausage in something)
- woot.com, who sold us a great BD player for $145 with shipping
- Croom's resignation
- the fact that neither my nor my husband's income will be affected by the economy
- our ability to take advantage of the current economy (house was a foreclosure, gas bill has been halved, prices have started to drop, retirement mutual funds are basically on sale, etc.)
- finding a church in our new community
- being able to cuddle up on my couch with my fur family and bowls of already-made chili, jambalaya, and chicken soup for the next two weeks
- the Christmas season!!
2 weeks ago